66 research outputs found

    Colour Transformation and Textural Change in Biotite: Some Remarks for the Interpretation of Firing Technology in Greyware Pottery Thin-Sections

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    : Firing is a crucial step in the production of pottery, as it irreversibly transforms the clay into ceramic. Clay sintering and subsequent vitrification occur during firing, together with other transformations undergone by specific minerals and rock inclusions according to their optical and physical properties, including their colour. Some of these are visible in thin-sections and might be interpreted as technological markers or contribute to the estimation of firing temperatures, although most of them are poorly documented. In this paper, we approach the transformations in colour, texture and optical properties that occurred in biotite inclusions from medieval greyware pottery. Our study considers a batch of 40 pottery samples from medieval Catalonia analysed by XRD. According to the estimated firing temperature ranges and atmospheres, we examined the behaviour of biotite at different temperature ranges from 700 ◦C to 1000 ◦C by means of optical microscopy, considering its size, shape and abundance, and compared these features to a wider assemblage of thin-sections from medieval earthenware. The results obtained are interesting, as they offer a valuable reference for petrographic studies on pottery. We discuss the potential of ceramic petrography as a way to perform more precise and refined sample selection for further analysis on archaeothermometr

    Vida quotidiana i creació literària en les comunitats índies de Nordamèrica

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    Entre els indis de Nord-Amèrica és possible establir diferents formes de vida i organització en funció de la seva zona d'hàbitat. Aquestes diferències són perceptibles en la vida quotidiana i tota la concepció del món es transmet en la creació literària d'aquests pobles, que utilitzen els relats breus, la poesia i la mitologia com una eina transmissora de valors i creences, tot plegat en un marc de rebuig vers el colonitzador blanc. ______________________________________________ Entre les indiens d'Amérique du Nord est possible établir diférents formes de vie et d'organisation en fonction de leur zone d'habitat. Ces différences sont perceptibles dans la vie quotidiene et toute la conception du monde se transmet en la création littéraire des ces peuples, lesquels utilisent les récits brefs, la poésie et la mythologie comme un mécanisme de transmission de valeurs et croyances, tout bien considéré dans un contexte de contrecoup vers le colonisateur blanc

    Alfares, hornos y producción de cerámica en la Cataluña Medieval y Moderna: una reflexión para su estudio

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    [spa] A lo largo de la última década, numerosas excavaciones arqueológicas -preventivas en su mayoría-han permitido la recuperación y el estudio de algunasestructuras de cocción de cerámica de cronologías medievalesy postmedievales que se añaden al panorama conocido afinales del siglo XX. Sin embargo, se constata la ausencia enel ámbito catalán de visiones de síntesis que aúnen esfuerzospor superar el localismo propio e inevitable de las memoriasde excavación en favor de una interpretación más ampliaacerca de la ocupación del territorio y de las estrategias deproducción.En este trabajo, que no pretende ser exhaustivo, presentamosun somero estado de la cuestión en relación con el estudiode las estructuras de cocción y los talleres de producción decerámica en la Cataluña de época medieval y moderna quenos permita ahondar en los problemas de fondo que dichasactividades plantean. Nuestro objetivo, pues, es poner sobrela mesa una reflexión acerca de la actividad alfarera y delmodelo de implantación de centros de producción en unterritorio determinado, así como a la propia evolución de loshornos durante los siglos medievales y modernos en aras deuna mayor adecuación técnica.[eng] During the last ten years, archaeological -mainly preventive- fieldwork allowed finding out some kilns from medieval and modern times that complete the panorama known until the end of 20th Century. Even though, it should be pointed out that a global state of the art about firing structures lacked for medieval and modern Catalonia. There is a strong need for some synthesis views making an effort to join results and exchange data in order to overcome the unavoidable localisms of emergency fieldwork for a better understanding of landscape occupation and craftsmanship strategies. Therefore, this paper aims to present a global -although non exhaustive- view on this matter in order to highlight some items concerning pottering activities, firing structures and workshops in Medieval and Modern Catalonia in order to deep into the main issues of such activities. Accordingly, our main goal is to propose some questions and reflexions for debate concerning pottery craftsmanship and its model of layout throughout the landscape; as well as the evolution of kilns during medieval and modern periods so as to achieve a better technical improvement. Within this piece of research, the location of this kind of manufacturing sites is discussed in order to detect some patterns of setting and developing throughout medieval and modern times, bearing in mind their rooting in the roman period. What we can observe is that there seems to be a continued process, with no interruption, that leads from the roman pottery producing centres, mainly specialized in amphorae production and settled on the Coastal Catalonian Plane, to the medieval cave-dwelling workshops specialized in reduced cooking wares. These inland settlements, deal with the production of specialized wares according to the new demand of these Centuries until social changes during the end of Middle Ages, gradually forced their disappearance in favour of new ways of pottery-making related to the new enhancement of cities and the improvement of urban world. To sum up, pottery production can be considered quite a good reflect of social changes and it points towards the way in what societies occupy the landscape and interact with the natural environment. From the archaeological standpoint, scholars are given a boost to approaching to this subject in a deep insight that globally considers this kind of sites as a whole. Furthermore, we spotlight the strong need of detailed excavation field-works in order to gather as much information as possible from these sites in order to understand the entire productive process, focusing in the excavation of kilns, but as well in workshops and annexe areas, which frequently are much complex

    Greyware pottery from Sant Miquel de la Vall: some throughts about the distribution and exchange of utilitarian cooking pots in medieval Catalonia

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    Medieval greyware pottery from Sant Miquel de la Vall presents a specific case for the study of this type of production in Catalonia. The archaeometric characterization of a group of 10 samples, consisting of their petrographic analysis based on the microscopical examination of thin sections and their chemical and mineral characterization through the analysis of X Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X Ray Diffraction (XRD), has allowed to identify up to four different productions, some of which have also been retrieved in distant sites located on the areas of Anoia and Gironès. The aim of this paper is to present some thoughts about the possible routes of distribution and exchange of pottery in the Middle Age and on the role played by the rivers Segre, Llobregat and Ter in connecting different sites throughout the Catalan landscape between 11th and 12th centuries

    La ceràmica de Sant Miquel de La Vall: una reflexió sobre la circulació i intercanvi de ceràmica grisa a la Catalunya Medieval

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    Medieval greyware pottery from Sant Miquel de la Vall presents a specific case for the study of this type of production in Catalonia. The archaeometric characterization of a group of 10 samples, consisting of their petrographic analysis based on the microscopical examination of thin sections and their chemical and mineral characterization through the analysis of X Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X Ray Diffraction (XRD), has allowed to identify up to four different productions, some of which have also been retrieved in distant sites located on the areas of Anoia and Gironès. The aim of this paper is to present some thoughts about the possible routes of distribution and exchange of pottery in the Middle Age and on the role played by the rivers Segre, Llobregat and Ter in connecting different sites throughout the Catalan landscape between 11th and 12th centuries.La ceràmica grisa medieval de Sant Miquel de la Vall constitueix un cas particular en l’estudi d’aquest tipus de produccions a Catalunya. La caracterització arqueomètrica d’un conjunt reduït format per 10 individus mitjançant la seva anàlisi petrogràfica a partir de l’observació microscòpica de làmines primes i la determinació dels trets químics i mineralògics per mitjà de les anàlisis de Fluorescència de Raigs X (FRX) i Difracció de Raigs X (DRX) ha permès identificar fins a quatre produccions diferenciades, algunes de les quals han estat recuperades també en altres jaciments llunyans ubicats a les comarques de l’Anoia i el Gironès. En aquest treball presentem una reflexió respecte de les possibles rutes de circulació i intercanvi de ceràmica en època medieval i sobre el paper dels rius Segre, Llobregat i Ter com a elements articuladors del territori entre els segles XI i XII

    Terrissa negra i canvi social: Pervivències i transformacions en l'ús de ceràmica de cocció reductora a Osona i les comarques gironines a partir de la recerca arqueològica i documental

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    [cat] Coneguda des de temps prehistòrics, la ceràmica de cocció reductora esdevé l'atuell de cuina bàsic i pràcticament exclusiu en època medieval. A partir del segle XIV, la terrissa negra experimentarà una profunda crisi que forçarà la seva transformació per tal de garantir-ne la continuïtat fins a dia d'avui. Al llarg d'aquest treball explorem algunes d'aquestes transformacions en l'espai articulat a l'entorn del riu Ter, des d'una òptica diacrònica, tot remarcant les similituds i diferències del territori osonenc i gironí amb altres àrees de la geografia catalana.[eng] Known since prehistoric times, pots fired under reducing atmosphere are the most common artefact in medieval contexts. From the 14th century onwards, greyware products underwent a deep crisis that forced potters to transform their production in order to ensure endurance until the present day. Throughout this piece of research, some of these changes will be diachronically explored at the territory included in the river Ter Basin, outlining the similarities and differences between the lands of Osona and Girona with regard to other areas of Catalonia

    Armamento y accesorios militares en la fortaleza medieval de Mendikute (Guipúzcoa, País Vasco), siglos XIII-XIV: un análisis morfológico y funcional

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    A wide collection of metallic materials was discovered during the archaeological fieldwork at the medieval fortress of Mendikute (Albiztur, Gipuzkoa). Amongst these, there is a considerable amount of weapon fragments. This assemblage of weaponry includes spear fragments, arrows and other non-projectile elements such as daggers, knives or auxiliary tools for military activity. The collection has been documented during the last few years and approached by means of morphological and functional analyses, in order to define a precise typology based on quantifiable morphometric data. There are numerous parallels for these weapons in correlation with other contemporary specimens. Their interpretation built upon a detailed archaeological record offers valuable information for the knowledge of the military practices of the Late Middle Ages.Las excavaciones arqueológicas en la fortaleza medieval de Mendikute (Albiztur, Guipúzcoa) permitieron recuperar una numerosa colección de materiales metálicos entre los que se cuentan un volumen considerable de restos de armamento. Este conjunto de material bélico, que incluye puntas de lanza, saetas y otros elementos no proyectiles como dagas, cuchillos y algunos útiles auxiliares de la actividad militar, ha sido documentado a lo largo de los últimos años y analizado desde una perspectiva morfológica y funcional a fin de definir una tipología precisa con base en datos morfométricos cuantificables. La colección presenta numerosos paralelos con otros ejemplares coetáneos y su interpretación con base en un registro arqueológico detallado ofrece valiosa información para el conocimiento de las prácticas militares de la Baja Edad Media

    Un modelo de producción en gruta:el Alfar de Cabrera d'Anoia, Barcelona

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    [spa] La utilización de grutas y cuevas para llevar a cabo actividades productivas fue un hecho habitual en época medieval. Este trabajo pretende analizar un modelo de producción cerámica que se adapta a un espacio físico considerablemente limitado por las características geológicas del entorno. El alfar de Cabrera d'Anoia constituye un ejemplo paradigmático de dicho modelo e ilustra un proceso de evolución cronológica y de transformación del entorno para satisfacer las necesidades de la producción cerámica.[eng] Taking advantage of shelters and caves for productive activities to take place was a daily fact during the medieval centuries. This paper seeks to define a type of pottery production centre which is adapted to a space physically limited by the geological features of the environment. The kiln site of Cabrera d'Anoia and its layout is a classic example of this model and illustrate a chronological extension and a transformation of a suitable area to satisfy their needs

    Los dados de Ausa y Mendikute (s. XIII-XIV): La elaboración de objetos lúdicos en hueso en algunas fortificaciones medievales del territorio guipuzcoano

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    El estudio arqueológico de los recintos fortificados de Ausa y Mendikute permitió recuperar una muestra significativa de útiles y complementos óseos correspondientes a la fase final de su ocupación militar. Entre los objetos elaborados en hueso, cabe destacar un conjunto de piezas de carácter lúdico, mayoritariamente dados, así como otros elementos residuales del proceso de elaboración. Dichos testimonios avalan que se trata de una manufactura local realizada por la soldadesca de ambas fortificaciones fronterizas

    Archaeological materials from the fortress of Mendikute (13th – 14th Centuries) (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country): Elements for the analysis of daily life in a military settlement

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    [spa] Las excavaciones llevadas a cabo a finales de los noventa en la fortaleza medieval de Mendikute (Gipuzkoa) permitieron recuperar un amplio conjunto de materiales arqueológicos representativos de la actividad cotidiana de un asentamiento militar de frontera. Entre ellos se documentan algunos materiales cerámicos, abundante material óseo y un amplísimo repertorio de elementos metálicos, preferentemente férricos pero también de bronce. El conjunto de metales de Mendikute permite ilustrar algunos de los elementos propios del armamento bajomedieval y de los enseres de carácter ornamental que componen la vestimenta propia de la soldadesca. Este trabajo presenta una visión de conjunto de todos ellos a fin de definir los principales rasgos de los restos de material mueble de este asentamiento fortificado y su trascendencia para el estudio de la vida cotidiana de una guarnición de frontera.[eus] Mendikuteko (Gipuzkoa) Erdi Aroko gotorlekuan 1990eko hamarkadaren azkenetan egindako indusketa-lanei esker, material arkeologikoen multzo eder bat berreskuratu zen, mugako asentamendu militar bateko eguneroko jardunaren berri ematen duena. Horien artean dokumentatzen dira, konparazio batera, zeramikazko materialak, hezur-material ugari eta metalezko elementuen errepertorio zabal bat -gehientsuenak urdinazkoak, baina badira brontzezkoak ere-. Mendikuteko metalen multzoak Behe Erdi Aroko armamentuan baliatutako zenbait elementuren berri ematen digu, eta garai hartako soldaduen jantzien apaingarriak ere erakusten dizkigu. Lan honen bidez, elementuon guztion ikuspegi bat aurkezten da, asentamendu gotortu horretako material higigarrien hondarren ezaugarri nagusiak definitzeko; orobat, azaltzen da material horrek zer garrantzi duen mugako garnizio baten eguneroko bizitza aztertzeko.[eng] During the archaeological fieldwork carried out during the latest nineties at the medieval fortress of Mendikute (Gipuzkoa, Basque Country) a vast amount of archaeological materials representative of daily activities in a military border settlement was discovered. Amongst these, some pottery, abundant bone pieces and a vast repertoire of metallic elements were included. The metal assemblage from Mendikute, preferably iron but also bronze, includes some of the characteristic elements of late medieval weaponry and some pieces for soldiers clothes embellishment. This paper introduces a summary view of these materials in order to define the main features of mobile material remains at this fortified settlement and their relevance for the study of daily life in a border fortress